Awards and Recognition
- “Pandit Dindayal Annatoday farmer Award” honored by ATARI, ICAR- Jodhpur.
- District level “Best farmer award” by ATMA- Nagaur.
Impact of technologies transferred/disseminated- Cases of large scale adoption
- The emphasis on pulse production in the district was given by the KVK through trainings and FLDs on green gram, & chickpea and supply of improved seed of pulses crops. In the year 2017-18 the cultivation of green gram was reached up to 5 lakh hectares in the district.
- To improve the knowledge of the farmers regarding seed spices and medicinal plants especially cumin and isabgol and also on Onion, KVK provided technical support to the farmers through trainings and demonstrations resulted in 70, 50 and 1 thousand hectares cultivation area of cumin, isabgol and Onion respectively during the year 2017-18.
- To popularize gum production technology in Kummat by distribution of ethephone injection to 1750 farmers.